August 8, 2022
In this series, we want you to get to know a bit more of the people behind the vision, mission and plans that are bringing The Foothills to life. Today we get answers from our CFO or as we like to call him “ The Money Guy”.
1: Full Name
CT: Cheng-Yan Tay
2: Middle Name
CT: None
3: Official Title
CT: Chief Financial Officer & Corporate Secretary
4. Unofficial title
CT: “The Money Person”
5. Favourite Central Island lunch spot
CT: A sandwich from Bodhi Artisanal Bakery and having it on a nice sunny day on the view ridges of Broad Ridge Pass in the Foothills
6. Ferry or float plane
CT: Ferry! Float plane a bit too small
7. Wine or beer?
CT: Chilled chardonnay or light German wheat beer, not lager or the heavier kinds like stout
8. Tea or Coffee?
CT: Always tea, but sometimes coffee espresso flake ice cream. Perhaps Taiwanese milk tea even
9. Your breakfast of choice?
CT: Poached eggs skillet or traditional breakfast in Malaysia/Singapore
10. Bike, hike, or climb?
CT: None of the above. Maybe a quad
11. Mac or PC?
CT: Mac!
12. Dog or Cat?
CT: Neither
13. Favourite place to vacation on the island?
CT: Tofino
14. What’s on your International travel list?
CT: Oh It’s Long! To name a few - The UK, Portugal, Malaysia, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, Scottsdale, Switzerland, Malta, Australia
15. Modern or craftsman style home?
CT: Modern – I’m the son of an architect.
16. Most important room in the house?
CT: Living room
17. If you could only have one for your home: Pool, hot tub, or sauna?
CT: Neither – too high maintenance! Home theatre more practical and a really large TV with good sound
18. Cook or order in?
CT: Order in – no idea how to cook with any proficiency
19. Always early or run late?
CT: Half and half
20. Favourite season?
CT: Spring, Summer & Fall (golfing season)
21. Past development projects you were behind
CT: Tsawwassen Commons
Whistler Village Centre Pan Pacific
Private Residence Four Seasons Whistler
Okanagan Lake Shopping Centre
Westin Trillium House, Blue Mountain Ontario
Ermitage du Lac, Mont Tremblant Quebec
Lake Las Vegas in Henderson, Nevada
22. Fill in the blank - Your fav thing about The Foothills is _________
CT: Beautiful views, lifestyle in sync with nature, and great opportunity to be involved with something of such great potential and impact
23. Something you would be surprised to know about me is….
CT: Allergic to seafood, love good food & dessert, love flying my drone and photography