June 27, 2024
We had the pleasure of hosting Sunday Social Run Club, a community initiative started by founder and runner Sarah Georgica at The Foothills. Over 40 runners tackled a fun forested trail loop with a re-fuel with coffee and treats at our presentation center.
The Sunday Social Club hosts a weekly run (you guessed it – every Sunday!) ranging from roughly 5-6 km in distance. Club attenders choose their distance and pace for an inclusive experience that starts and ends with the whole group in mind. Generally hosted at Westwood Lake in Nanaimo the Club is always excited to explore new areas. We were able to ask Sarah a few questions over the course of the morning to get a better idea of where it all started.
The Foothills: What led you to start the Sunday Social Run Club?
Sarah: After always wanting to start some sort of health and wellness initiative, I finally got out of my comfort zone and took the leap in creating Sunday Social Run Club. Growing up in Nanaimo I have always found it hard to meet new people with the lack of social clubs and community atmospheres for younger people. Many people I chatted with had the same thing to share: Nanaimo is a hard city to meet new people. I knew I wanted to create something that built community and solved this relevant issue. Through running, I thought if I could meet a few new friends to run with and that would be a win. Now seeing the community that has evolved.
The Foothills: Do you have any goals for the club?
Sarah: It’s really about Sunday Social Run Club continuing to grow and bring people together in a healthy way. Seeing the new friendships form, hearing people laugh together and seeing the connections it is creating is what keeps the club going. We want to create a space to be active that inspires people to move their bodies, despite their current fitness levels. I’ve met people who never ran before and now have transformed into runners who do 10km races. Hearing this is my inspiration to continue every Sunday and host these runs. In the future I would love to partner with more local businesses to bring fun events to the community that promote health and wellness.
The Foothills: What has surprised you the most through forming the club?
Sarah: People continuing to show up! I still am blown away by the amount of people consistently showing up on a Sunday morning to run with the community that has grown. When I first started Sunday Social Run Club, I never thought this many people would ever attend. I truly would have been happy if 5 people showed up every week.
The Foothills: Any advice for others wanting to join or start their own club?
Sarah: For those looking to join but are afraid to, come out just once to give it a try. I was so scared to start Sunday Social Run Club however, I am so happy I just gave it a try. If you are thinking about starting a sports club, social club and/or new business - just do it. I have met some of my best friends through Sunday Social Run Club and there is so much more opportunity in Nanaimo for more active and social clubs.
It was great to have the opportunity to share the wonderful trails with SSRC this past weekend. Runners and walkers flowed through the beautiful trails of the Foothills and finished back at The Foothills presentation centre for coffee, treats and socialization! We want to thank all who were able to join for this awesomely active event. To join in on more runs in the future be sure to follow Sunday Social Run Club on Instagram.